Friday, December 3, 2010


Nicholas is still pretending to be sick. Okay, not really but I wish he were because he has now missed 9 days of school during the last three weeks. He had really bad stomach cramps about two weeks ago and that lasted around one week. This week he has been home with a terrible headache. No one in either of our families has a history of migraines so they don't think it is that. He went in for a cat scan today and it came back normal. The Dr. has prescribed him a strong headache medicine and is hoping it will run it's course. I am just hoping it will run it's course faster than it has so far. Not only is Nicholas sick of being at home, he had a 4.0 first quarter and as of right now has four F's. Not his usual style but is hard to keep up when you are not in school and feel to yucky to do any make-up work at home. I am just hoping he starts feeling better soon!!

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