I keep telling Nicholas that this is getting old and he should be done with this headache. He is not very good at obeying his mother. We are beyond two weeks with this headache now. Nikko went to Primary Children's Hospital on Friday for an MRI/MRV still trying to figure out what is wrong. The results did not show any reason why he should still be having a headache. The nurse said he was very good at holding still unlike most other kids. I think since I have had over 50 and prepared him he had an advantage. He liked the movie that he got to watch on the glasses and has now decided to ask for the glasses from Santa.
Nicholas seems sometimes to be doing better and then an hour later he is asleep or moaning or both. Every night I pray that the next day will be better - we are still hoping.
This morning we started the 48 hour sedation. This was recommended by the neurologist at Primarys. He is sedated heavily on drugs that knock him out, he wakes up about every 6 hours where he is given the drugs again. This as Nicholas called it it hibernation. He was willing to try anything as has been feeling like junk for the last several weeks including the stomach pains he had right before the headaches came on. PLEASE let the sedation work!!
I hope they can figure out what is going on. That sounds miserable for all of you.